- Nature Cure/Self-Healing education – a non-medical approach to health and healing. Self-healing explained, psychotherapy, positive thinking, iris diagnosis, individual programs including hydrotherapy, exercise and lifestyle choices. Effective individual diet therapy for various disease conditions. Detection of the CAUSES of disease and ill-health. Counseling in ways of REMOVING these causes.
- Personal consultations aimed at radically changing lifestyle and outlook on life of the diseased, leading to boosted self-confidence, fulfilment and health.
- Naprapathy (
- Tuition in Whole Fresh Food lifestyle for better health and higher quality life.
- Hydrotherapy treatments such as spinal bath, hip bath, steam bath, body packs etc.
- Neurometer diagnosis. A way of measuring nerve force in the body in order to diagnose disease processes.
- Advice on amalgam filling removal and other dental issues.
- Educational books and articles on Natural Cure and related subjects. Book is under production.
- Home visits. My working field is Europe. Countries that I visit most frequently are: Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France and Spain. A home visit can last from an hour up to a few weeks when you want help to change your home to a health centre! You will then receive tuition in Nature Cure, practical experience with natural living and natural therapy and much more.
- Consultations and coaching via agreed media on internet or on telephone.
Lectures and courses that may include one or more of the following topics:
- Nature Cure natural health care system
- In the footsteps of the Columbus of Medicine, Vincent Priessnitz founder of the Spa movement, Nature Cure and Natural methods practiced today by medical practitioners in Germany. What we can learn from Priessnitz and how to use it today.
- Self-healing explained
- Causes of health and disease
- “Vis Medicatrix Naturae” or the healing power of nature
- The philosophy and history of nature cure
- Structural, biochemical and mental balance
- Natural living
- Natural therapy and diagnosis; hydrotherapy, naprapathy, psychotherapy and iris diagnosis
- Natural versus medical philosophy
- Fasting and fever in combination, a highway to health
- Rest, sleep and relaxation
- Nerve energy and circulation
- Natural family planning
- How to prevent and sometimes cure common western world disease such as cancer, cardio-vascular disease, lever and gall disease, gastrointestinal disease, diabetes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, depression, allergy, asthma, overweight, fatigue etc.
- Osteoporosis – the real cause and the myth about calcium
- Medical research about the relation of diet, lifestyle and health
- The effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on nature; water, animals, humans, micro-organisms and soil.
- Whole Fresh Food. Why you should base your diet on fresh raw foods, how to get the right balance and avoid damage of the teeth that many raw and fruit eaters do.
Spinal, muscular and ligament problems, stiffness and tenderness, scar tissue formation, disc lesions, sciatica, pains and pins and needles in shoulders, arms, hands, legs, knees and feet, bursitis, headache and migraine, sports injuries, chronic and acute pain conditions, arthritis and rheumatism, circulatory problems, TMJ (jaw joint) problems, chronic fatigue, digestive and internal disease, skin disorders, overweight, asthma, allergy etc.