Dr. Eric Karlsson

Dr. Eric Karlsson
D.N., N.D., D.C.T.M., D.S.M., R.M.
Offers higher level health and life quality through consultations, treatments, lectures and courses.
- Doctor of Naprapathy (Sweden 1983). Registered naprapath in Sweden.
- Diploma in Nature Cure (Australia 1992). A student of legendary nature cure practitioner, chiropractor, osteopath, author, master iris diagnostician and fasting expert Kenneth S. Jaffrey also well known as charismatic lecturer 3333 times!
- Worked with the legendary naturopath and Natural Health teacher Lilly Johansson (Sweden) at her health and convalescent centre. Her methods have been scientifically investigated and found to cure or improve the health of 94% of patients, that were previously treated by modern medicine for an average of eleven years, without any improvement or with deterioration.
- Diplomas in: Swedish Massage, Connective Tissue Massage, Physiotherapy and Reflexology (Sweden).
- Certificate courses in Basic Principles of Occlusion and two courses in Biological Medicine (Sweden).
- Remedial Massage Therapist (Australia).
- Accredited WorkCover Provider (Australia).
- To make knowledge of self-healing and human biology available to anyone interested.
- To help and assist anyone diseased to the state of health by means of education and natural therapy.
- To teach the philosophy of natural health and healing and to promote the works of such eminent authorities as Vincent Priessnitz, Louis Kuhne, Dr. Russel T. Trall, Professor Edmond Szekely, Dr. John Tilden, Mahatma Gandhi, Herbert Shelton, Sarma K. Lakshman, Lilly Johansson and Kenneth S. Jaffrey. To bring this knowledge to the future.
- To promote a lifestyle which is in harmony with nature and thus sustainable.
- My aim is that the fee that the patient or student pay me shall be paid back many times. Not only in better health, but also in money in the form of less sick leave days, higher efficiency in general, less or no costs to doctors, dentists, psychologists, opticians, chiropractors and other therapists as well as on medicines, remedies, cosmetics, vanity, food, junk, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, sweets etc. A more simple lifestyle is one reason of the explanation of the savings. Also in saving time spent on health problems. I believe that when the patient follow my advice then my fee will be paid back many, many times.